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2/16/2017 - Lost your password?

If you've lost your password to the BBS, you can either hit up one of the admins in the Facebook group (see below, or on the links page, or email

1/26/2015 - Telnet Working

The telnet client works once again. It's new a Javascript applet and runs on most browsers. Just click on the BBS link to your left!

6/18/2012 - Meetup News!

Some of us had a small meetup earlier this month, and it seems to have renewed interest in a full scall ML Reunion! Head on over to the Facebook group for the latest news. Once plans have been confirmed, we'll post the details here as well.

5/10/11 - New Facebook Group

There's a new group on Facebook for former Missing Links members. Check out Missing Links BBS Users on Facebook.

7/21/2005 - New Website Launched

Missing Links launches a new website for the BBS. The site was redesigned with a fresh look and features to help members get onto the BBS easily from the web and to help past users get back in contact with eachother. Enjoy!